We also work on beer.


Bochman Lab publications

Most up-to-date list = https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=bochman+ml&sort=date&size=50

Nickens, DG, Feng, Z, Shen, J, Gray, SJ Simmons, RH, Niu, H, and Bochman, ML. (2024) Cdc13 exhibits dynamic DNA strand exchange in the presence of telomeric DNA. Nucleic Acids Research. Jun 24; 52(11): 6317-6332. PMID: 38613387.

Piraine, REA, Retzlaf, GM, Goncalves, VS, Cunha, RC, Bochman, ML, and Leite, FPL. (2022) Brewing and probiotic potential activity of wild yeasts Hanseniaspora uvarum PIT001, Pichia kluyveri LAR001 and Candida intermedia ORQ001. European Food Research and Technology. 249: 133-148.

Rajapaksha, P, Simmons, RH, Gray, SJ, Sun, DJ, Nguyen, P, Nickens, DG, and Bochman, ML. (2022) Bulk phase biochemistry of PIF1 and RecQ4 family helicases. Methods in Enzymology. 673:169-190. PMID: 35965006

Nickens, DG and Bochman, ML. (2022) Genetic and biochemical interactions of yeast DNA helicases.  Methods. Apr 25:S1046-2023(22)00103-7. PMID: 35483549.

Isolation of wild yeasts from Olympic National Park and Moniliella megachiliensis ONP131 physiological characterization for beer fermentation. Araujo Piraine RE, Nickens DG, Sun DJ, Leivas Leite FP, Bochman ML. Food Microbiol. 2022 Jun;104:103974. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2021.103974. Epub 2021 Dec 28. PMID: 35287803

AKT1 mediates multiple phosphorylation events that functionally promote HSF1 activation. Lu WC, Omari R, Ray H, Wang J, Williams I, Jacobs C, Hockaden N, Bochman ML, Carpenter RL. FEBS J. 2022 Jan 26. doi: 10.1111/febs.16375. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35080342

Pif1 Activity is Modulated by DNA Sequence and Structure. Nickens DG, Bochman ML. Biochemistry. 2022 Jan 4;61(1):10-20. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.1c00614. Epub 2021 Dec 21. PMID: 34932305

Characterization of the telomerase modulating activities of yeast DNA helicases. Nickens DG, Bochman ML. Methods Enzymol. 2021;661:327-342. doi: 10.1016/bs.mie.2021.08.005. Epub 2021 Sep 6. PMID: 34776218

Overcoming stochastic variations in culture variables to quantify and compare growth curve data. Sausen CW, Bochman ML. Bioessays. 2021 Aug;43(8):e2100108. doi: 10.1002/bies.202100108. Epub 2021 Jun 14. PMID: 34128245

A deep dive into the RecQ interactome: something old and something new. Simmons RH 3rd, Rogers CM, Bochman ML. Curr Genet. 2021 Oct;67(5):761-767. doi: 10.1007/s00294-021-01190-3. Epub 2021 May 7. PMID: 33961099 Review.

The Genetic and Physical Interactomes of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrq1 Helicase. Rogers CM, Sanders E, Nguyen PA, Smith-Kinnaman W, Mosley AL, Bochman ML. G3 (Bethesda). 2020 Dec 3;10(12):4347-4357. doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401864. PMID: 33115721 Free PMC article.

Comprehensive Synthetic Genetic Array Analysis of Alleles That Interact with Mutation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RecQ Helicases Hrq1 and Sgs1. Sanders E, Nguyen PA, Rogers CM, Bochman ML. G3 (Bethesda). 2020 Dec 3;10(12):4359-4368. doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401709. PMID: 33115720 Free PMC article.

Dynamic regulation of Pif1 acetylation is crucial to the maintenance of genome stability. Ononye OE, Sausen CW, Bochman ML, Balakrishnan L. Curr Genet. 2021 Feb;67(1):85-92. doi: 10.1007/s00294-020-01116-5. Epub 2020 Oct 20. PMID: 33079209 Free PMC article. Review.

Lysine acetylation regulates the activity of nuclear Pif1. Ononye OE, Sausen CW, Balakrishnan L, Bochman ML. J Biol Chem. 2020 Nov 13;295(46):15482-15497. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.015164. Epub 2020 Sep 2. PMID: 32878983 Free PMC article.

Fanconi anemia-independent DNA inter-strand crosslink repair in eukaryotes. Rogers CM, Simmons Iii RH, Fluhler Thornburg GE, Buehler NJ, Bochman ML. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2020 Dec;158:33-46. doi: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2020.08.005. Epub 2020 Aug 30. PMID: 32877700 Free PMC article. Review.

The yeast Hrq1 helicase stimulates Pso2 translesion nuclease activity and thereby promotes DNA interstrand crosslink repair. Rogers CM, Lee CY, Parkins S, Buehler NJ, Wenzel S, Martínez-Márquez F, Takagi Y, Myong S, Bochman ML. J Biol Chem. 2020 Jul 3;295(27):8945-8957. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA120.013626. Epub 2020 May 5. PMID: 32371399 Free PMC article.

The Biochemical Activities of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pif1 Helicase Are Regulated by Its N-Terminal Domain. Nickens DG, Sausen CW, Bochman ML. Genes (Basel). 2019 May 28;10(6):411. doi: 10.3390/genes10060411. PMID: 31142053 Free PMC article.

Gel-Based Assays for Measuring DNA Unwinding, Annealing, and Strand Exchange. Rogers CM, Sausen CW, Bochman ML. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1999:255-264. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9500-4_16. PMID: 31127582

Thin-Layer Chromatography and Real-Time Coupled Assays to Measure ATP Hydrolysis. Sausen CW, Rogers CM, Bochman ML. Methods Mol Biol. 2019;1999:245-253. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9500-4_15. PMID: 31127581

An organoleptic survey of meads made with lactic acid-producing yeasts. Peepall C, Nickens DG, Vinciguerra J, Bochman ML. Food Microbiol. 2019 Sep;82:398-408. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2019.03.002. Epub 2019 Mar 15. PMID: 31027799

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrq1 and Pif1 DNA helicases synergistically modulate telomerase activity in vitro. Nickens DG, Rogers CM, Bochman ML. J Biol Chem. 2018 Sep 14;293(37):14481-14496. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.004092. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PMID: 30068549 Free PMC article.

ComM is a hexameric helicase that promotes branch migration during natural transformation in diverse Gram-negative species. Nero TM, Dalia TN, Wang JC, Kysela DT, Bochman ML, Dalia AB. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jul 6;46(12):6099-6111. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky343. PMID: 29722872 Free PMC article.

Promoter Boundaries for the luxCDABE and betIBA-proXWV Operons in Vibrio harveyi Defined by the Method Rapid Arbitrary PCR Insertion Libraries (RAIL). Hustmyer CM, Simpson CA, Olney SG, Rusch DB, Bochman ML, van Kessel JC. J Bacteriol. 2018 May 9;200(11):e00724-17. doi: 10.1128/JB.00724-17. Print 2018 Jun 1. PMID: 29531178 Free PMC article.

The WYL Domain of the PIF1 Helicase from the Thermophilic Bacterium Thermotoga elfii is an Accessory Single-Stranded DNA Binding Module. Andis NM, Sausen CW, Alladin A, Bochman ML. Biochemistry. 2018 Feb 20;57(7):1108-1118. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b01233. Epub 2018 Jan 30. PMID: 29341597

Primary souring: A novel bacteria-free method for sour beer production. Osburn K, Amaral J, Metcalf SR, Nickens DM, Rogers CM, Sausen C, Caputo R, Miller J, Li H, Tennessen JM, Bochman ML. Food Microbiol. 2018 Apr;70:76-84. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2017.09.007. Epub 2017 Sep 14. PMID: 29173643

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hrq1 helicase activity is affected by the sequence but not the length of single-stranded DNA. Rogers CM, Bochman ML. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 May 13;486(4):1116-1121. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2017.04.003. Epub 2017 Apr 3. PMID: 28385527

Yeast Hrq1 shares structural and functional homology with the disease-linked human RecQ4 helicase. Rogers CM, Wang JC, Noguchi H, Imasaki T, Takagi Y, Bochman ML. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 May 19;45(9):5217-5230. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx151. PMID: 28334827 Free PMC article.

Terminal acidic shock inhibits sour beer bottle conditioning by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rogers CM, Veatch D, Covey A, Staton C, Bochman ML. Food Microbiol. 2016 Aug;57:151-8. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2016.02.012. Epub 2016 Mar 3. PMID: 27052714

DNA replication: Strand separation unravelled. Bochman ML, Schwacha A. Nature. 2015 Aug 13;524(7564):166-7. doi: 10.1038/nature14643. Epub 2015 Jul 29. PMID: 26222029 No abstract available.

Roles of DNA helicases in the maintenance of genome integrity. Bochman ML. Mol Cell Oncol. 2014 Oct 29;1(3):e963429. doi: 10.4161/23723548.2014.963429. eCollection 2014 Jul-Sep. PMID: 27308340 Free PMC article. Review.

Periodic DNA patrolling underlies diverse functions of Pif1 on R-loops and G-rich DNA. Zhou R, Zhang J, Bochman ML, Zakian VA, Ha T. Elife. 2014 Apr 29;3:e02190. doi: 10.7554/eLife.02190. PMID: 24843019 Free PMC article.

Hrq1, a homolog of the human RecQ4 helicase, acts catalytically and structurally to promote genome integrity. Bochman ML, Paeschke K, Chan A, Zakian VA. Cell Rep. 2014 Jan 30;6(2):346-56. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2013.12.037. Epub 2014 Jan 16. PMID: 24440721 Free PMC article.

Ciprofloxacin is an inhibitor of the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase. Simon N, Bochman ML, Seguin S, Brodsky JL, Seibel WL, Schwacha A. Biosci Rep. 2013 Oct 7;33(5):e00072. doi: 10.1042/BSR20130083. PMID: 24001138 Free PMC article.

Pif1 family helicases suppress genome instability at G-quadruplex motifs. Paeschke K, Bochman ML, Garcia PD, Cejka P, Friedman KL, Kowalczykowski SC, Zakian VA. Nature. 2013 May 23;497(7450):458-62. doi: 10.1038/nature12149. Epub 2013 May 8. PMID: 23657261 Free PMC article.

DNA secondary structures: stability and function of G-quadruplex structures. Bochman ML, Paeschke K, Zakian VA. Nat Rev Genet. 2012 Nov;13(11):770-80. doi: 10.1038/nrg3296. Epub 2012 Oct 3. PMID: 23032257 Free PMC article. Review.

The Pif1 family in prokaryotes: what are our helicases doing in your bacteria? Bochman ML, Judge CP, Zakian VA. Mol Biol Cell. 2011 Jun 15;22(12):1955-9. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E11-01-0045. PMID: 21670310 Free PMC article.

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mcm6/2 and Mcm5/3 ATPase active sites contribute to the function of the putative Mcm2-7 'gate'. Bochman ML, Schwacha A. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Oct;38(18):6078-88. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq422. Epub 2010 May 19. PMID: 20484375 Free PMC article.

Unwinding the functions of the Pif1 family helicases. Bochman ML, Sabouri N, Zakian VA. DNA Repair (Amst). 2010 Mar 2;9(3):237-49. doi: 10.1016/j.dnarep.2010.01.008. Epub 2010 Jan 25. PMID: 20097624 Free PMC article. Review.

The Mcm complex: unwinding the mechanism of a replicative helicase. Bochman ML, Schwacha A. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 2009 Dec;73(4):652-83. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00019-09. PMID: 19946136 Free PMC article. Review.

Subunit organization of Mcm2-7 and the unequal role of active sites in ATP hydrolysis and viability. Bochman ML, Bell SP, Schwacha A. Mol Cell Biol. 2008 Oct;28(19):5865-73. doi: 10.1128/MCB.00161-08. Epub 2008 Jul 28. PMID: 18662997 Free PMC article.

The Mcm2-7 complex has in vitro helicase activity. Bochman ML, Schwacha A. Mol Cell. 2008 Jul 25;31(2):287-93. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2008.05.020. PMID: 18657510 Free article.

Differences in the single-stranded DNA binding activities of MCM2-7 and MCM467: MCM2 and MCM5 define a slow ATP-dependent step. Bochman ML, Schwacha A. J Biol Chem. 2007 Nov 16;282(46):33795-33804. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M703824200. Epub 2007 Sep 25. PMID: 17895243 Free article. 

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